Gift giving at Con Cuong – 2019


When we arrived at the family house, it became very apparent that they were very poor and the mother was having health issues. There was no food in the house and very basic cooking facilities. The mother could not work and dad was away, trying to find work. They have no farm, field, cow, buffalo or pigs (something all the poor families have in common that we are helping). Every time we visited, the mother was sick but still found the strength to run the house. We decided to give the scholarship to the boy after sitting and talking to the mother and himself about continuing his studies so it would benefit the whole family and a food package for the whole family. The following day, Nham and Michael Russell-Mott visited the school to present the scholarship but the boy had not turned up for school. This was due to a school scheduled change. The very next day, we went back to the school to find he was absent again which was sad to know. So with positive attitudes to the situation, we visited the family again that morning to asses situation upon finding out his mother did not know he had not attended school. She went looking for him and we spoke to principle what our findings were. What he had been doing was selling dry wood to try to earn money. With this information and ongoing situation, we decided (for now) to skip giving the scholarship until we could help in trying to solve the schooling problem. Working with the family and school for a resolution, hopefully with a great outcome and conclusion. We can emphasise on how important education is. The one thing we knew which was real important was to carry on with a food package for the family due to the very poor situation they were in. The food package will help greatly and be of benefit especially for the sick mother, at the same time taking some pressure off of the family in trying to put food on the table in the short term. The boy also goes out fishing every night to try catch fish, frogs, etc. We will do follow up surveys to determine whether long term help can be given. Below is the costs of the food package and rice cooker:

Rice (10kg): 4 x 172,000 VND = 688,000 VND
Rice (10kg): 6 x 192,000 VND = 1,152,000 VND
Fish sauce: 5 x 34,500 VND = 172,500 VND
Salt: 5 x 5,500 VND = 27,500 VND
MSG: 1 x 102,000 VND = 102,000 VND
Sugar: 5 x 21,500 VND = 107,500 VND
Seasoning (bot canh): 5 x 3,500 VND = 17,500 VND
Seasoning (hat nem): 1 x 112,000 VND = 112,000 VND
Milk (pack of 4): 24 x 28,900 VND = 693,600 VND
Instant Noodle: 2 x 102,000 VND = 204,000 VND
Body wash: 1 x 135,800 VND = 135,800 VND
Cooking Oil (5 litre): 1 x 185,000 VND = 185,000 VND
Tooth Brushes: 4 x 12,500 VND = 50,000 VND
Tooth Paste (Colgate): 1 x 18,500 VND = 18,500 VND
Tooth Paste (Colgate Total): 1 x 28,000 VND = 28,000 VND
Washing Powder: 1 x 195,000 VND = 195,000 VND
Washing up liquid: 1 x 89,000 VND = 89,000 VND
Hand Wash: 1 x 130,000 VND = 130,000 VND
Rice cooker: 550.000 VND

Total: 4.650.400 VND (approximately £155,01)
